Stability, Quality, Capacity:
Building a Stronger Seniors’ Care System
2025-26 Provincial Pre-Budget Priorities and Recommendations
Over the last several budgets, the Ontario government has continued to increase funding towards seniors’ care to address the deep systemic challenges that resulted from years of underinvestment.
These investments are beginning to bear fruit. New homes are being built as older ones are undergoing redevelopment. More staff are being hired, and the number of hours of daily direct care per resident has been rising, resulting in improved quality of care for seniors. This progress, however, is fragile, and today the positive momentum is at risk.
To sustain and protect the gains made in recent years, and to position the sector to respond to the anticipated rise in the number of seniors requiring complex care over the near term, there is an urgent need for additional action. AdvantAge Ontario recommends targeted investments in three key areas that will have the greatest impact on the well-being of seniors, not just in one area, but across the entire continuum of seniors’ care:
> Stability: Addressing the staffing crisis and stabilizing the long-term care system
> Quality: Supporting the unique role of the not-for-profit long-term care sector
> Capacity: Increasing capacity in home and community care
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