Medical Assistance in Dying

Medial Assistance in Dying (MAID) is now legal in Canada. In partnership with DDO Health Law, AdvantAge Ontario has developed a comprehensive toolkit with important information and guidance materials for Ontario long term care homes.

This 48-page toolkit, titled Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID): What You Need to Know Now and recently updated, provides critical and up-to-date information on MAID. Among other resources, it includes:

A review of the legal landscape
Internal policy checklist
A policy template adapted for long term care
Decision tree
Flow diagram for the MAID process
Case scenario with tips for staff
Commonly asked questions

To order the most recent edition, download the order form.

Note: The updated toolkit is available at no charge to AdvantAge Ontario provider/full members. To access the resource, please login with your email and password.