> Association of Managers of the Homes for Aged and Infirm is incorporated
> Association of Managers of the Homes for Aged and Infirm holds first meeting in Welland
> Association expands to include charitable institutions
> Homes for the Ages Act passed – Homes of Refuge becomes Homes for the Aged
> Homes for the Aged Act revised; Forced labour of residents outlawed, medical services provided
> Increase in the number of “charitable” homes – many with an ethnic, cultural and religious affiliation join the Association
> Association changes its name to “The Ontario Association of Managers and Matrons of Homes for the Aged”
> Association changes its name to “Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged”
> Association’s members pioneer the development of many unique programs – including group and satellite homes, tie-ins with independent and semi-independent living units, adult daycare, community support services such as home help, Meals-on-Wheels and transportation services
> Association moves to advocate improved legislation to benefit the aged
> Association initiates innovative management tools for homes for the aged
> Association expands to include non-profit nursing homes, hostels, apartments, hospitals providing long term care and home support services for the elderly
> Members vote for new name “Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors”, to reflect changing mandate and non-profit status
> Norma Rudy publishes “For Such a Time as This,” the only comprehensive history of not-for-profit senior care in Ontario
> Membership approves the Strategic Plan for the Association
> New General Operating By-law approved, replacing Constitution
> Regional boundaries restructured
> Province proclaims Bill 101 bringing about fundamental changes to homes for the aged
> Focus on long term care reform, particularly advocating for adequate facility funding
> Commenced Governance Review, looking at Board, Regions and Committee structure, along with governance process. Initiated work to create resource development supports to help members with their capital and operational needs
> Two advocacy initiatives pursued. The first resulted in an increase in funding for facilities by $100 million in July 1997. The second was a major lobby effort mounted with other partners to secure a commitment to expand all long term care services, including supportive housing, by $2.5 billion over an eight-year period. This announcement included support for renovation of existing and construction of new homes
> New Policy Governance Structure in effect
> Secured $100 million in new operating dollars for facilities
> Raised political and public visibility of not-for-profit care and services for seniors; developed consumer outreach program including public-sector campaign and enhanced consumer web presence
> Government’s 2004 investment to long term care homes included a significant equalization component in the distribution of funding
> Thanks to our advocacy, homes received significant base increases that continue today
> Local Health Integration Network (LHINs) legislation enacted creating 14 non-profit organizations designed to plan, coordinate and fund the delivery of health care services across the province
> Bill 140, the proposed Long-Term Care Homes Act is introduced; The Act amalgamates three existing pieces of legislation
> Long-Term Care Homes Act receives Royal Assent
> Initial Long-Term Care Homes Act Draft Regulations issued
> Compliance Transformation announced
> OANHSS Benchmarking Survey launched
> Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 comes into force
> Implementation of OANHSS LTCHA and Regulation Member Support Project
> Retirement Homes Act receives Royal Assent
> Release of Phase 2 OANHSS LTCHA Member Support Project
> OANHSS call for capacity planning in Federal and Provincial election messaging
> Roll out of Behavioural Supports Ontario
> Attention on prevention of elder abuse: Establishment of LTC Task Force on Resident Care and Safety; roll out of Ministry Education on Reporting of Abuse and Neglect
> New reports and initiative shaping Seniors Care and Services: Walker Report; Drummond Report; MOHLTC Seniors Strategy
> Retirement Homes Act provisions establishing Retirement Home Regulatory Authority in effect
> Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care released
> Report of the Long-Term Care Task Force on Resident Care and Safety released
> Retirement Homes Act provisions allowing licensing in effect
> OANHSS Life Lease Guide for Consumers
> Provincial budget includes OANHSS recommendations for increase in preferred accommodation rates and convalescent care per diem, and flexibility between NPC and PSS envelopes
> Living Longer, Living Well Report by Dr. Samir Sinha released
> Provincial budget commits to end property tax for all not-for-profit LTC homes. This put all NFPs on equal footing
> In Carter v Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada declares as void the prohibitions in the Criminal Code related to physician-assisted death. For the purpose of implementing the Carter Decision, the Federal government introduced Bill > C-14, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code of Canada and to make Amendments to Other Acts
> Patients First: A Proposal to Strengthen Patient-Centred Health Care in Ontario, released by MOHLTC. Of note, the Ministry proposes to expand the role of LHINs including moving all CCAC functions into the LHINs
> Implementation of Bill 160
> Aging with Confidence: Ontario’s Action Plan for Seniors
> Proposed Regulations relating to Inclusionary Zoning
> Association formally launches new name “AdvantAge Ontario - Advancing Senior Care” at Annual Convention
> The provincial budget promised key investments for the sector and hit the mark on long standing Association priorities: 4 hours of care; new beds; and, increased food funding
> Government announces 6,000 new beds as part of 15,000 over next five years
> AdvantAge Ontario receives standing in the Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry
> AdvantAge Ontario celebrates 100 years of advocating for not-for-profit senior care
> Association mobilizes to provide a massive range of pandemic-related supports for members in response to COVID-19
> In 2020 budget, the Ontario government commits to increasing hours of direct care for each LTC resident to an average of four hours per day.
> Association participates on MOLTC consultations to modernize LTC development; MOLTC then releases new LTC Home Capital Development Funding Policy.
> Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission examines how COVID spread in LTC in wave one. Association presents to Commission on behalf of members.
> Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, comes into force, replacing the previous LTCHA, 2007
> Federal gov’t announces $4.8M over four years to implement Canada's national dementia strategy
> Association launches The Difference Matters, a PR campaign to highlight not-for-profit care