Statement on the Government’s Decision to Lift Vaccine Mandates in Long-Term Care

March 9, 2022

Statement on government’s decision to lift vaccine mandates in long-term care

“AdvantAge Ontario is very concerned with government’s decision to remove vaccine mandates from long-term care homes.

In making this decision, government had to balance the public’s desire to return to normal with its duty to protect Ontario’s most vulnerable people. We believe government missed the mark.

Throughout the pandemic, AdvantAge Ontario has advocated strongly for a consistent approach to vaccinations for the entire health care sector. Without it, a patchwork policy environment will emerge, leaving individual organizations more susceptible to legal challenges.

Today, government removed that policy and told homes they are effectively on their own. This is irresponsible.

The positive impacts of vaccinations in long-term care are undeniable. They’ve resulted in the reduction of COVID transmission, infections and deaths.

Long-term care homes work tirelessly to care for their residents and will want to keep vaccine mandates in place to protect them.

We strongly urge government to support long-term care residents by giving homes the tools they need to protect seniors.”

AdvantAge Ontario

AdvantAge Ontario has been the trusted voice for not-for-profit senior care for over 100 years and is the only provincial association representing the full spectrum of the senior care continuum. Our more than 400 members are located across the province and include not-for-profit, charitable, and municipal long-term care homes, seniors’ housing, assisted living in supportive housing and community service agencies.

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Debbie Humphreys
Senior Director, Corporate and Public Affairs
W: 905.851.8821  x 233
C: 416.553.7401

Chris Noone 
Manager, Communications and Member Services 
W: 905.851.8821  x 253